« First stages
are the hardest ». This is what I was telling myself before leaving
France, « That’s ok Lucie, at the begining you’ll feel lonely but you
will survive ! ». Well, I was kind of wrong.
When you’re doing an
EVS, you’re not on your own. For me, at least, as soon as I put a foot on the
Czech ground they were people there to help me. This is a hudge adavantage. Of
course, some times I feel sad, nostalgic because I miss my friends, my family
but, for now, I’ve never feel lost. I don’t know if I’m Lucky or if it’s everywhere
the same but I’m very well-accompagnied. People are generally very welcoming
and ready to help.
However not speaking
Czech language is a real handicap to me. Even if young people generally speaks
English, or sometimes even French, the older one don’t, at all. So, for
example, to take the bus it will be a challenge for making understand the
driver where I want to go. For now, when people speak to me in Czech I smile,
shake my head, and leave. I think sometimes people should think I’m
simple-minded. Well, if I were them I would of thinking that.

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