Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Events to see in France

If you want to France, you have to choose the best date according to the best events. There are incredible and amazing things to see.

The festival of lights in Lyon :

This event take place on December 6 to December 9 of each year in Lyon. It’s a religious celebration related to Mary. Every night, the city present lot off animations with lights. The festival draws 3 to 4 million people.
I saw it in 2013. It was so magnificent. I never saw as many people in a street before. Everybody were captivated and fascinated. The more beautiful for me, it was an animation in « the Place Des Terreaux ». We saw a projection about the little prince.
I wanted to return there last year but it’s was canceled because of attentats.. I hope to go in december.

         The national day in Paris :

It’s to celebrate the bastille day (storming of the Bastille) during the french revolution on 14 july 1789. This date is the national day and it represents the day of the freedom. Everywhere in France, we can see and hear fireworks in the evening. Sometimes, concerts are organized in the big cities. In Paris, the fireworks are impressive with the Eiffel tower! I just saw in the TV because I live in the south. Also, there is a famous military parade in the Avenue « des Champs-Elisées» in the afternoon.

Even if I live in a small village, I like this day. I can see 3 fireworks from my house and after there is a party outside.

         The festival : « Les vieilles Charrues »

If you want to see concerts in France, you have to go in Bretagne (Carhaix-Plouguer) during 4 days in July. It is the bigger festival of music in France (with 250 000 festival-goer). This year, Pharell Williams, Lana Del Rey and Major Lazer were present.

Unfortunately, I never went in this festival because it’s far and each year I go in Musilac at the same period. Musilac it’s also a big festival in Aix-Les-Bains (around Swiss). It’s my favorite moment of the year !


         Lemon festival « fête du citron » in Menton

 It’s not a joke ! The city of Menton organized this festival since 1934 (after the winter) and now, there is 230 000 visitors each year. Before this, It was a famous carnival.
The city is animated during 17 days and it requires 145 tonnes of citrus fruits ! It’s difficult to explain this event because it’s totally unique. This is an international event to see with a lot of animations.

The Cannes festival

Even if you are not passioned by the cinema, this festival is very interesting. International artists are present to hope for have a price : best movie, best artist, best film maker...

During this period (19-31 may), Cannes is transformed to welcome the best actors. The more important price is the « Palme d’Or » which reward the best movie of the year. The opening ceremony is broadcasted everywhere. The red carpet and the 24 steps are a dream for a lot of artists. 

By Marjorie from France

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