Creative workshops in ICM was an activity that I really enjoyed during
my EVS. I am not an expert in this kind of stuffs but it is something that I´ve
always liked.
It was an opportunity for me and the people who came to these workshops to
develop the creativity, initiative and spend a nice time. You just need the
motivation and it will be fine! Here I write something that I learnt about how
to prepare this activity.
1º Step: What to do?

Something that can help you to decide is to look if there is an especial
day during the days that you will do the workshop. For example, if Christmas is
soon, you can do a workshops of Christmas decorations, if the spring is coming,
something in connection with flowers or, if it is Eater, something related to
painting eggs or baskets for chocolat will be a nice idea.
You will need to think about what to do around five weeks before the
event, because you will need time to do the rest of the things that I explain
2º Step: The final decision!
Sometimes you can see that in the videos that everything is very easy
and when you try to do it yourself is impossible. (I have some experiences!) So
when you see you are able to create what you found, it is the moment that you
can decide what it will be the workshop about. Try to find simple materials,
not omething very difficult.
3º Step: Promotion
Approximately one month before the workshop, you will need to take a
picture of your creation, do the leaflet telling the day, time and place and
promote the event in Facebook. Invite everybody that you know in Prostejov,
friends of friends, etc.
4ºStep: Preparation

5º Step: The day of the workshop

· Learn
the basic words in Czech to communicate with the people as colours, numbers,
some verbs and adjectives. Anyway, in workshop the most important thing is to
observe how to create the craft, so if people see you creating it, they will
understand the way to do it.

· It is
difficult to guess how many people will come to the event, but always it is
better to prepare more materials than less!!
Examples of
workshops that we created:
By Elena from Spain |
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